
1300 898 612



Company: means Property Lovers Pty Ltd [ABN 25 661 144 510] having its registered office at Level 22, 31 Market Street, Sydney NSW 2000.

Customer: means the person(s) or company named on the order form, online order or over the telephone. Where the Customer is a corporation, this agreement is signed under section 126 of the Corporations Act 2001 by its agent.


These Terms and Conditions (the “Agreement”) regulate the sale by the Company to the Customer for the purchase by the Customer of the Company’s products and/or services concerning real estate education, business education, mentoring and/or asset protection, as identified on the order form, online order or over the telephone.
Certain products and services listed in Section 11 have a money back guarantee, which are subject to certain conditions. Please be clear of the conditions in relation to each of the products.
The sale price under the Agreement stated on the order form, online order or over the telephone can be at the election of the Customer paid by lump-sum or by instalments (on such terms which are acceptable to the Company) as specified on the order form or over the telephone.
The Customer acknowledges that where payment to the Company is made by instalments, the full purchase price is payable and is a debt owing to the Company by the Customer.
By entering this Agreement, the Customer agrees to pay the specified purchase price to the Company by the due dates and accepts responsibility and liability for payment. The Customer acknowledges that if any payment is not made by the due date, seminar services (if applicable) or the provision of products and services may be cancelled by the Company without notice and no refund or credit will be given.
By entering this Agreement, the Customer agrees that if they fail to pay an instalment amount by the instalment payment date then ALL monies owing by the Customer to the Company will become due and owing and must be immediately paid to the Company without set off or deduction or crossclaim and without need for further demand. A late payment fee of $60 may be applied.
If any payments are not made by the due dates, then products, packages and/or seminar services (if applicable) may be cancelled at the Company’s discretion and no refund or credit will be given.
The Customer charges its legal and beneficial interest in any real property, both present and future, in favour of the Company as security for any current and future indebtedness under this Agreement, and the Company shall be entitled to lodge a caveat on the title of the Customer’s property noting its interest in terms of this Agreement.
Where the Customer is a corporation, the signatory on behalf of the Customer hereby guarantees to the Company the performance by the Customer of all of its obligations under this Agreement and indemnifies the Company from and against all and any costs, claims, damages and expenses whatsoever, and howsoever, arising out of the breach or non-performance by the Customer.
The Customer acknowledges and agrees that if default is made on any payment that remains outstanding for 60 calendar days or more then under the Privacy Act 1988 and similar privacy legislation, the Company can at its discretion list information about the default with a credit reporting agency and refer the Customer’s details to a debt collection agency to recover the outstanding balance. The Customer acknowledges and accepts liability for all legal costs on an indemnity basis and expenses incurred by the Company in connection with recovery of overdue accounts from the Customer.
The Customer acknowledges that the following terms apply to the below products:
  1. In the case of the Master Wealth Control Package
    • The Customer is entitled to:
      • An asset protection kit comprising of a set of asset protection documents and an asset protection plan;
      • access to members only online portal and monthly live webinars; and
      • consultations with accounting, business and legal professionals nominated by the Company for up to 12 months.
    • The Customer acknowledges that Dominique Grubisa has created the documents and products that constitute the Master Wealth Control Package, which is the intellectual property of the Company. The Company may engage professionals to provide certain services, which will be provided on behalf of the Company and will not create a client relationship with the Customer and the professional unless you engage them directly.
    • The Customer acknowledges and agrees that:
      • The Customer is responsible for the completion and implementation of the asset protection documents and the asset protection plan (the “AP Documents”).
      • The AP Documents will be generated in response to a questionnaire and the content of the AP Documents will be a result of the answers provided by the Customer in the questionnaire.
      • The Customer is responsible for the correctness and accuracy of the information in the AP Documents.
      • The AP Documents are general only and do not constitute a financial or legal service and the Customer is responsible for determining if the AP Documents are suitable for the Customer’s circumstances.
      • The Company is not responsible for any errors by the Customer caused by the Customer’s misunderstanding or misinterpretation of any questions, or in completing the questionnaire.
      • The Company does not provide any warranties or guarantees regarding the AP Documents.
    • If the Customer has any concerns regarding the suitability, implementation and/or implications of the AP Documents, the Customer must obtain its own legal and/or financial advice.
    • As a Customer of the Master Wealth Control Package (“MWC Customer”), you will be entitled to a free consultation with an accountant, lawyer and/or business advisor for up to 30 minutes (“Initial Consultation”) for a period of 12 months from the date of purchase, subject to the following conditions:
      • Any advice provided during an Initial Consultation will be provided by the relevant professional from an accounting firm, business advisory firm or law firm nominated by the Company (“Nominated Firm”).
      • An Initial Consultation will not exceed 30 minutes and will be limited to one consultation per MWC Customer for every new issue (being an issue that the MWC Customer has not previously discussed with a Nominated Firm).
      • Initial Consultations will be used to discuss the MWC Customer’s own issues only and may not be used for the benefit of a third party.
      • Initial Consultations will include general advice only, based on the information provided by the MWC Customer during the consultation. The MWC Customer will be required to formally engage the respective Nominated Firm to rely on any advice given.
      • Unless otherwise proposed by the Nominated Firm, Initial Consultations will be by telephone during normal business hours only, and subject to advance booking.
      • An Initial Consultation will be agreed at the discretion of the Nominated Firm and subject to availability.
      • Initial Consultations will be subject to the following exclusions:
        • Perusing and reviewing documentation;
        • Written advice, communication and/or correspondence;
        • Issues that fall outside of the practice area of the Nominated Firm;
        • Advice regarding the AP Documents;
        • Disputes or matters that directly or indirectly involve the Company, its associated entities, its directors, agents and/or employees;
        • Matters that in the opinion of the Nominated Firm may give rise to a potential conflict of interest; and
        • Matters that fall outside of the jurisdiction of Australia.
    • The MWC Customer acknowledges that a Nominated Firm may benefit from offering an Initial Consultation, being an opportunity to determine if the MWC Customer may require further or future services from the Nominated Firm.
    • If the Customer wishes to engage a Nominated Firm after an Initial Consultation, the engagement will be on such terms agreed between the MWC Customer and the Nominated Firm, pursuant to an engagement letter or costs agreement with the Nominated Firm.
    • The Company shall have no responsibility or liability of any kind for any services rendered by any Nominated Firm.
The Company is not responsible if the Customer does not utilise the product and/or service during the agreed time period. Where a subscription is part of the Agreement, the Customer acknowledges that all monthly, 6-monthly and/or 12-monthly subscription service charges are automatically charged or debited on the same day of each month during the respective term until cancellation of the subscription. To cancel any subscription, the Customer must give the Company written notice by email at least 7 calendar days before monthly, 6-monthly and/or 12-monthly charge is scheduled to be charged or debited.
Where a product, service or program includes a DG Institute Client Handbook, the Company reserves the right to make changes and updates to the policies and procedures at any time and without notification prior to the implementation. Changes made to the DG Institute Client Handbook will apply to any and all clients including past, current and prospective.
Where an event is part of the Agreement, if the Customer cannot attend the event or seminar services (if applicable), which has been booked and paid for, then the Customer:
  1. May transfer its enrolment to the same event on a future date (only if available) within 12 months of this Agreement commencing; or
  2. May transfer their ticket to a nominated new attendee, subject to notifying the Company and the Company approving the transfer (which approval may not be unreasonably withheld) and providing full contact details for the nominated new attendee,

    provided that the Customer will be responsible for payment of an administration fee of $495 if the Customer fails to notify the Company within 21 calendar days before the seminar services commence.
Where an event is part of the Agreement, the Customer acknowledges and agrees that, if it does not notify the Company in writing or attend the seminar services booked and paid for within 12 months of this Agreement commencing, the Customer’s ticket will be deemed to be abandoned by the Customer and the Customer will not be entitled to any seminar services, any associated material, or refund of any money paid. The Customer acknowledges that information, venue and event dates are subject to change and the Company is not responsible for any cancellation or rescheduling of venues, events, or changes in the program. In the case of rescheduling of an event, tickets will be transferred to the new date.
The Company declares and the Customer acknowledges that the intellectual property, copyright and trademarks relating to the products and services sold under this Agreement are the sole and absolute property of the Company. The Customer acknowledges that title to all such intellectual property, copyright and trademarks relating to the products and services remains with the Company and are provided to the Customer for their personal use only and copying them is prohibited.
By entering into this Agreement, the Customer acknowledges reliance upon personal choices and decisions and not on any influence, persuasion, warranty or representation made by the Company.
The Company is not a professional services firm or financial firm and does not provide legal or financial advice. The legal, tax and commercial implications of the Company’s products and services vary and their suitability will vary according to the Customer’s particular circumstances. The Customer should consult with a lawyer, tax advisor, accountant or other appropriately qualified person for advice concerning the suitability of the Company’s products and/or services before completing the purchase.
The Customer accepts full responsibility for profits, risks and losses arising out of the use of the Company’s products and services and no recourse can be had against the Company for indemnity for losses and conversely the Company has no claim against the Customer in relation to profits made.
The Customer acknowledges that the strategies taught by the Company require the Customer to implement them as an independent business person making their own investment decisions. The Company does not underwrite the Customer’s investment decisions nor warrant that the Customer’s investment choices or decisions are likely to be successful. The Company will, at the request of the Customer, provide answers to the Customer’s questions and provide general advice to the Customer without specific recommendations but rather as guidance in relation to the Customer’s desired achievements and expectations.
The Company does not warrant that any product and/or service that the Customer decides to order is appropriate or suits the Customer’s needs, or that the Customer’s use of any product and/or service is appropriate or suits the Customer’s needs. The purpose and suitability of any product and/or service to the Customer relative to needs and circumstances have been considered by the Customer who declares that it is of a commercial and business nature and not for personal domestic or household use.
The terms and conditions set forth herein constitute the entire agreement between the parties and supersede any communications or previous agreements with respect to the subject matter of this contract. There are no warranties, representations, covenants or agreements, express or implied, between the parties except those expressly set forth in this Agreement. No change can be made to this Agreement other than in writing and agreed to by both parties.
The jurisdiction and law applicable to this Agreement is the State of New South Wales.
Service of notices process and documents by one party on the other shall be by email only at the respective email addresses stated in this Agreement.
By entering into this Agreement, the Customer authorises and consents to the Company sharing the Customer’s personal details with any affiliated or partner companies.

By accepting our terms and conditions, you acknowledge that the above disclosures have been made to you.

DATE: 30 December 2022