
Inside Scoop 38 / 30th July

Inside Scoop 38 / 30th July

Dom here, back with another Inside Scoop to let you know what has been on my mind this past week. 

Just a quick heads up – we have a special 5 Day Rooming House Challenge  starting this week.   This is my big claim “Give Me 5 Short Days, And We Will Show You The Exact “Step By Step” Method To Find And Flip Properties For Cash Profits In The Current Market For Little To No Money Down. PLUS Get Instant Access to NEW AI “Property Research” Software When You Show Up To The Training”.

It’s free to join if you want to check it out.   Click here for the details.  

Till next week, 


What I have been doing: Now, don’t laugh, but I’ve been spending some quality time with a machine… a Thermomix, to be precise. I was babysitting my sister’s while she was away, and let’s just say, it’s a game changer. Picture this: A lazy Sunday night when I’m a bit peckish is simple comfort food for me – think, scrambled eggs on toast, but enlisting the Thermomix, before I knew it, I was tucking into nasi goreng and banana pudding. It’s like having a personal chef, except it doesn’t judge your questionable culinary choices. Now, I own one myself. The only snag? It doesn’t seem too interested in weight watchers recipes!

What I have been reading: “The Wisdom of Psychopaths” by Kevin Dutton. Yep, you read that right – “psychopaths.” It turns out that high-flying businesspeople and, well, psychopaths share a surprising amount in common. Who’d have thought? Sometimes, it seems, not having feelings can be a bit of a secret weapon. It’s weirdly fascinating.

What I have been watching: I’ve found another crime series to get hooked on. Can’t believe I missed this one. Classic British, gritty crime – “Luther.” The main character, John Luther, is your classic troubled detective with a knack for getting the job done. He’s a bit like a good psychopath, if there’s such a thing. Yeah, I know, I probably need to get out more…

What I have been thinking about: A nugget of wisdom that’s been rolling around in my head: why do we worry so much about stuff we can’t control? It’s like my mind’s favourite hobby. But really, all it does is suck the joy out of today without changing anything about tomorrow. So, I’m trying to remember that most of my worries are just like bad dreams, and like the AA mantra – to just take one day at a time. I also love the AA Serenity Prayer:

“God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, And wisdom to know the difference.”

The Serenity Prayer is best recited in times of stress or anxiety as a reminder to remain calm and focused on what you can control in life. It can be used as a tool to calm the mind and focus on actionable steps that can improve your current situation.

PS: We released a new podcast this week, it is a look into SPLITTER BLOCKS AND WHY THEY ARE PROPERTY GOLD. You can listen to them all now on Apple, Spotify, Youtube, our Website or wherever you find your podcasts, you don’t want to miss it.

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