
Inside Scoop 23 / 2nd April

Inside Scoop 23 / 2nd April

Dom here, back with another Inside Scoop to let you know what has been on my mind this past week.

Just a quick heads up – we have a special 1 Day Property Challenge  on Sat 22nd of April.   This is my big claim “Give Me 1 Full Day And We Will Show You The Exact “Step By Step” Method To Find And Flip Properties For Cash Profits In The Current Market For Little To No Money Down. PLUS Get Instant Access to NEW AI “Property Research” Software When You Show Up To Day”.

It’s free to join if you want to check it out.   Click here for the details. 

Till next week,


What I have been reading: How Full Is Your Bucket by Tom Rath and Donald Clifton

I always used the term “My bucket is full” when I couldn’t take anymore (and usually exploded out of nowhere – much to the surprise of those around me “OMG – what’s wrong with her and where did that come from?”). This new release, though, uses the bucket as a metaphor for our lives, and we can either choose to fill it with positive people who add value and enrich our potential making us fuller and better –  or “oxygen thieves” who drain us and deplete our energy levels. We get to choose!

What I have been watching: MH 370 on Netflix: Spoiler alert – there is no explanation or resolution as to what happened with this flight that disappeared without a trace in 2014, although apparently kept flying across the Indian Ocean for another 6 hours according to satellite data.

What I have been interested in: Organoid Intelligence. Scary but fascinating stuff! Apparently, our brains easily outperform computers . They can complete several tasks simultaneously and are superior at processing complex information while using much less energy than machines. To overcome these limitations, we are now building biocomputers from brain cell cultures called “brain organoids.” Half human brain, half computer now known as organoid intelligence (OI),

What I have been doing: Facilitating the One Day Property Challenge. I was focused on student success and achievement so only half did the action tasks on the day. I wish I followed through because people actually got six figure deals ON THE DAY – LIVE! As Carol, one of our EM students who secured a deal with $120K upside emailed me that night “Who said we couldn’t do a deal in a day!” – you go girl!

PS: Have you been listening to The Property Lovers Podcast? We have released 3 special episodes this month that you don’t want to miss. You can listen to it on Apple, Spotify, Youtube, our Website or wherever you find your podcasts, you don’t want to miss it.

Don’t forget to leave us your thoughts on our Property Lovers Community Group!

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