
Inside Scoop 18

Inside Scoop 18

Dom here, back with another Inside Scoop to let you know what has been on my mind this past week. Remember We have a special complimentary livestream event this Tuesday evening for those that want to learn how to purchase distressed real estate for little to no money down. For details go and don’t forget to share your thoughts on our Property Lovers Community Group.

Till next week,

What I have been reading: “Discipline is Destiny” by Ryan Holiday. I love Ryan Holiday (author of “The Obstacle is The Way’ – one of my all-time favorites. We had Ryan present to our EM community during Covid and he is such a wise soul, especially for his young years. He actually left college to study under Robert Greene (who wrote “The Laws of Power” – another of my favorites.) He focused heavily on Stoicism and became a lauded author. This is his latest book in a series relating to all the Stoic virtues.

What I am working on: An estimator tool for renovators. With the advent of AI I am excited to dig my teeth into solving a long standing problem within our property community which is “How can we get an idea of renovation costs if we don’t have a lot of experience in estimating what’s involved?” There is so much costing data available – it is just a matter of channeling it into a tool that can break it down and spit out some reliable numbers.

What I am focused on: My results from the 4D property Challenge. I have dropped the ball. We had an event last weekend so I missed my inspections and follow up which means that I have fallen behind I’m putting it out there now so I can make up ground – I need to publish my commitments to ensure I’m accountable.

What I have been doing: Moving offices – worst thing ever! I swore I’d never move again. I can always count on Murphy’s law to prevail: trucks that wouldn’t fit in loading docks, torrential rain, lifts with pass keys that wouldn’t work after hours, tickets for parking in loading zones – the list goes on! Reframing that with an attitude of gratitude though – so incredibly grateful for our small tight team who sucked it all up, went the extra mile and burnt the midnight oil to settle us in to our lovely new offices with (minimal?) fuss

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PS: We released a new podcast episode, it is a Deep Dive into How To Make Short Term Profits In This Market. You can listen to it on Apple, Spotify, Youtube, our Website or wherever you find your podcasts, you don’t want to miss it.

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